Friday, 24 September 2010

Jet lag on day 2

At 6am I discovered that there is a universal dustmen language. This involves a delicate conflagration of dustbins which consists of banging, rolling,clnging and clattering the bins together so as to wake up the residents of an entire building. So there goes my second night attempt to manage this insane jet lag. Sleeping pills are no match for the US sanitation engineer.

Very nice to be here and see my kids. Their apartment is great and their lives are pretty sorted. I just wish it were easier for my daughter and I to make peace and understand each other - misunderstandings get in the way of so much love.. I love her to bits and yet we seem to talk at cross purposes a lot. Maybe this can get easier too.

I feel very welcomed and cared for and I love being with them. It's leaving that always feels odd. The sun is shining, so today we can walk a bit more.

I really miss Ralph and can see how lonely I feel without him.

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