Saturday, 3 July 2010

Opening the closed chakras....

Are my chakras open?  Are they underactive, overactive,closed, open accessible to me?  These were questions that I thought about this morning when I decided to look up chakras on Google.  I found a 'chakra test' which I duly filled in and eagerly turned to the page that scored me and graphed my chakra results.

I found out that some of my chakras are open, some not so open and some over-open, whatever that might mean.  I immediately read the meaning of my scores and totally discounted all of it.  I'm sure that if all my chakras had been open and in total alignment I would have been happy to make these instant results mean something, but because the results were not perfect, I decided to throw them away. Actually I decided to do another chakra quiz and guess what?  The results must be rigged in some way because I got a similar score.  Maybe I'll just carry on doing test after test until I find one that satisfies my ego chakra - this is the one that seems to be successfully operating.

The trouble is that after all these years of examining my navel and all this catharsis and then introspective self-work I've been involved with, I'm not sure I even believe all of this stuff.  ~Of course I recognise that there is a mind/body/spirit link but I'm not so sure that we can change things in an easy fix way.  I have been thinking more about the ancestral genetic inheritance we all carry.  Surely this is as much of a component of who we are and how we function as any other belief system.

Recently my daughter had a DNA profile done.  This is interesting to me because it is yet another way to  diagnose the sum total of our lives.  Am I prone to digestive problems?  Will I develop heart disorders?  Do I give a damn?  Will I change my life accordingly?   The short and long answer is probably, no.  No matter how much diagnostic material I have, no matter how much I am given indications that there are areas of my life that are out of balance, I change very little.

Why am I so stubborn?  Or is it that change is difficult?  It certainly is a combination of all of these things.  I was getting dressed tonight to go to a friend's birthday party.  In order to get the sandals I wanted I had to move about a mountain of clothing and three large boxes.  It's not as if I didn't know where to find the shoes, it's just that they were buried under my disorganisation and laziness. By the time I found my shoes I was in a state of over-heated  frenzy, both furious with myself and enraged at the mess I had created.

So tomorrow is Day One of Operation Clear Up.  I am sort of looking forward to this in much the same way as new army recruits finishing basic training look forward to their first real battle with the enemy.  Except that this is an enemy I have created.

Tomorrow I am putting aside my Seven Negative Dwarfs - Push, Lazy, Sloppy, Guilty, Tired, Dusty and Procrastination and getting in touch with my cleaning chakra.  Funny how this is the one chakra that I know is not overactive, so tomorrow we activate it and kick it into action.

As a result of this activity and the warmth of tonight, I am going to prepare for this by getting a good night's sleep.  Wish me luck, I expect I will need it. I expect I will have to talk myself into Operation Clear Up all over again in the morning.

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