"One slightly past middle-aged creative woman with loud mouth, good sense of humour and a lot of heart, looking for a new project to fulfill this sense of unfulfillment of which she is ever-increasingly aware. Must be partially sedentary and under no circumstances should involve sport, children or animals."
I need a project. Something wonderfully creative, not too taxing mentally since I am getting older and don't want to have to spend hours on research though as I write that, it doesn't sound bad. I want to make something, do something, create something, but I am stymied as to where to begin.
I have boxes and boxes of things I have saved for just such moments and yet, none of them are 'it'. I keep thinking that I'll know when I see it, hear it, read about it, but I don't. My paid work is fine, even picking up a bit, so that side of my life is taken care of. I could throw myself into being the perfect wife, but I find little satisfaction, beyond the ordinary, in that. I already love and care for my self and my husband, though I credit that this may not be his opinion. Men always seem to want more.
I was tossing and turning in my bed last night, unable, once agin, to sleep and realised that I'm still a bit jet-lagged. I thought I would make use of the insomnia moment and planned how to bake cheesecake for the now open restaurant round the corner. I will use the restaurant kitchen so as to save having to satisfy health and safety standards and come to some barter arrangement for doing the baking. I also started to visualise this mini-quilt that I want to make out of the Japanese fabrics I have been saving. Each time I see a kimono scrap or scarf I buy it and squirrel it away for future use. Maybe I can finally begin that.
When I was in California I met my son's girlfriend. I'm sure this was an anxious moment for her since those who know me will know that I am the epitome of the over-bearing Jewish mother. Well, it was also an anxious time for me. Would I be able to keep my mouth shut? Would I be overly nice and insincere? Would I like her? Would she like me? All these questions ran round my mind and in the end it was fine, I think, or at least it was fine from my side. I was so concerned with making a good impression I didn't ask anything about her background, family, parents, etc. Now I would like to know some of that .
While I was in the States I went to a number of shops filled with things you don't need and will never need. Many of the shops displayed the work of local craftsmen and artists. A lot of what I saw selling for exhorbitant prices I realised I could easily make. I am talented and creative enough, but I also realised that most of what I saw I wouldn't want to live with, even if I could make it.
So this is my problem - do I create something, begin (and perhaps even finish) a project that has no purpose and that I don't need or want, or do I expend my energy on redecorating the downstairs toilet? Who knows....
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