Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Officially irritated ...

I am officially angry at the world today. 

Political news is getting to me.  I am enraged by the British placid acceptance of a hideously self-interested government hiding behind a deficit to make the changes that the Conservatives would have made regardless of the economy. Why aren't we out manning the barricades and chaining ourselves to fences?

I am irritated by the rain, the impending change of clocks that will mean the days are almost so short as to be non-existent and the cold weather that is so suddenly upon us.

I am angy about everything and therefore will not write anymore today.  I cannot face spewing this indignation on to another page.

Suffice it to say that I am hoping this will pass, or perhaps I will self-combust in a fit of pique.  I'll keep you posted.

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