Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Hooray, Today is Pancake Day!


How quickly things change if we let them.  Yesterday I was desolate and didn't see any way out of my low feelings.  Today I feel lighter and more equipped to deal with wehatever life throws at me.  How does that happen?  Perhaps the answer is that I'm just insane, but I doubt it. I believe it's more to do with non-attachment.  Doesn't that sound great?  Non-attachment  - very Buddhist and enlightened.

Seriously though, I see how easy it is to get caught up in labelling and categorising our feelings, putting them in nice little boxes and tying them up in curly ribbons, to be cherished and treated as if they are precious. What a load of crap!  Feelings are little more than emotional itches that we can either scratch or ignore.  If we choose to scratch those itches the relief is immediate and pleasurable, but the itching cycle gets worse.  We can also choose to caress the emotional itch, perhaps stroke it gently and let it subside, or we can grit our teeth to the feeling and let it disappear.  Whatever way we decide to deal with our emotions, as  I have said before, they do change.

Today I had an unexpected day of training work.  I was phoned late yesterday and asked if I could cover the day and even though I didn't feel like working, I said yes.  This meant that initially I was very reluctant to wake at 5.30 am and leave the house in biblical style rain, but once I got moving and arrived at work I had decided to approach the training course as if it was part of my holiday.  I was relaxed, informal and friendly.  My work went smoothly and easily and I enjoyed the day.  The feedback from the participants was excellent. 

Now I'm home from work and it's Shrove Tuesday.  This is known in England as Pancake Day. Apparently the origin of this day is related to Lent and the confession and penitence that means you are 'shriven' or absolved of sins.  As I have yet to believe I have sinned in any way and don't celebrate (if that's the right word) Lent I will just partake of the pancakes. The pancakes traditionally eaten in England today are made with flour, sugar and eggs - three things that might be given up for Lent.  I will make stacks of calorific pancakes, in all different ways, cover them with maple syrup, or lemon juice or sugar or even chocolate spread and sin like mad!

I feel really good today - maybe this is bipolar disorder but I doubt it. After my blog yesterday I cleared  up some stuff at home and feel happier and more grounded. Once I eat a pile of pancakes I will definitely be more grounded.  Some of these English traditions are terrific!

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