Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Awareness + Inactivity

Awareness on its own is simply awareness
Awareness plus understanding is a stepin the right direction
Awareness plus action leads to change....

This is something I pass on in my work and I have known this for many years. It's often difficult to explain to people that raising their awareness (of almost anything) will not lead to much in isolation.  Unless you add some form of action to your awareness then you remain stagnant.

I am aware that I am now entering my winter period of inactivity.  I feel large,clumsy and ursine. I am drawn to bed at almost every moment of the ever-shrinking day and I am fighting this urge. I read back through a week or two's worth of blog entries and can suddenly identify a common thread.  That thread reflects my winter mood change. Just like we moved the clocks in the UK, I moved my moods from lightness to impending darkness.  Maybe awareness can have an impact this year. Heaven knows that little else has had an effect in previous years.

Last year I managed to find my SAD light and plug it in and even sometimes sit near it.  In other years I have stored the light away in March and managed to lose it till well into winter. This year I know where I stored the light, but I'm really not sure it will help.  Maybe the answer is to sleep whenever possible and to build in fun times to keep my spirits up.

I am fighting the desire to become even more self-critical, a desire that disappears in the Spring.  I am having internal arguments with my self about how little I want to do.  Right now I feel an overwhelming need for awareness + inactivity.  I know the answer is to add more activity, but it ain't going to happen today.

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